Gunnar of bradford MN
New member
Today was a beutifull day. 64 and sunny no bugs, i went out to the woods which has been a hunting spot for years big oak trees hickory , maple , at an old barb wire fence i found 4 22 shells never been fired and a quarter, i figure someone was going over the fence and all that stuff fell out i was using the eclips 5.3 and it seemed the leaves whear giving me mineralization because when i brushed them aside i got a noticably stronger signal ( monty help ) but all together i hunted a small earea and got 18 full 22 shells twelve emptys 6 shotgun shells a big square chunk of iron an razor tipped arrow a nut and bolt 7 U nails for barb wire fence and 5 - 22 slugs one 12 gage slug and the 1966 quarter by the fence line was great have to go back and hunt the fence line again thear is lots of it i really would like to try a 6" excelerator coil to compare whith the 5.3 which i will proply trade or sell for 75.00 shipped going back God willing whith the 4x6 shooter BABY