On a trek to find a picnic grove, we found instead a huge cellar hole. Foolishly, I didn't bring the 6" coil with me so scanning the hole with the 10.5 was fruitless. I got a few buttons in the road in front and on the way back, we hunted some breaks in the stone wall that ran parallel to the road. My buddy got a KG spill of 3 coppers in one opening, then I got a solid 42 VDI that was deep. I was thinking Capped Bust silver and after excavating and cutting through 4-5 roots, I finally could feel the coin at the bottom of the hole. I was still thinking silver, but it was a holed copper, I suspect King George. I never thought to hunt these stone wall openings, but I will now. I'll also remember to bring the small coil as it would have fit in my pocket. Ron