Went to an old park that we have hunted many times because it is close. There is a Small hillside rite where we park the truck and we detect this hill every time we leave and return to the truck. My buddy and his M-6 (Whites), left before me and did the hill. Well after ground balancing, I started on the hill, right away a strong 12-46 eight inches down, turned out to be a 1941 merc! I found fourteen more clad dimes, two wheaties, three quarters, and a couple of pennies on this hill which measures maybe 12X30. I know I can miss some things but I never dreamed I, along with my detecting buddies, could miss all this in so little spot. I use the same park pattern, coil and sens all the time here. I believe that I found all this because my battery had run down to the last bar, I know this sounds crazy but I get better tones and separation with a low battery. This I also found true on my safari. I know this is going to start a lot of controversy.