These are my finds so far this year, been out about 20 hours. I've been hunting in the rivers and channels for the most part. The sand is almost thawed enough to dig deeper. The lakes are still ice covered. My favorite find this year is the clover pendant I found on St. Patricks day. That was a bit ironic I thought. While at the beach a man from the Ludington Daily News came up to me and said he was taking pictures and wanted my permission to put my picture in the paper. I showed him the clover I found and told him I wasn't sure if it was three or four leaf because of all the sand on it. I guess he figured a four leaf sounded better for the paper. Made the front page!! You can see the snow fences in that picture. Yesterday I went to Stoney Lake to hit the channel there, guess what, a man from the Oceana Herald Journal asked me if he could put my picture in that paper. That one doesn't come out until Wednesday. I know the kids will have a good laugh when they see me in my wetsuit and shorts!! LOL I'm glad I bought the excal II and didn't go the cheaper route. One question, anyone know what the yellow, red, and black thing is? It's under the watch in the picture. It looks like it has watch batteries or something on the ends. Is it something for a security guard making rounds? Anyway, Happy Hunting