Had some unusually warm weather today (56*) so I took advantage of it. I was hunting a trashy area at a local park that I have hunted many times. The ground was very wet, I had the sensitivity set at 19 and 99 tones on the 705. I got into an area that was concentrated with trash but as I swung over it, I got a faint "blip" of a high tone in between the trash signals. I went back over it much slower the second time and heard the same high tone a little bit better. I pinpointed with the 705 and pulled out the digger. I dug my plug and put the Garrett in the hole. As I got to the bottom of the hole, the PP was going nuts but I didn't see anything obvious. As I looked down in the hole I saw the edge of a coin but it was straight up; the coin was standing on its edge in the ground. Not only did the 705/DD coil single out the high tone but it saw the coin standing on end down 5-6". I am impressed and excited. I love this coil on the 705.