I managed to do a little metal detecting last week for about an hour and the propointer really is a wonderful tool. I only found foil, rusty nails and barbed wire, but before I got the propointer I had to constantly scan with my heavy detector and feel through the dirt for whatever metal object I was searching for. The propointer speeded up my search and helped me to avoid getting up and down and went right to the target.
The only thing I was concerned about is all these targets showed up as B targets, but not the first one was a coin? I scanned in coin mode, zero mode and all metal mode and the same thing happened in each. The piece of barbed wire was about 5 inches long and had a large barb on it, but still registered as B target. I re-scanned these areas after my propointer helped me go right to the target and got no more signals of any coins that might have been within my coils scan range. I love my propointer more than any piece of metal detecting equipment I own at present time and will not leave home without it. Thanks to Mr. Garrett and family for developing and selling such a fine piece of equipment.
The only thing I was concerned about is all these targets showed up as B targets, but not the first one was a coin? I scanned in coin mode, zero mode and all metal mode and the same thing happened in each. The piece of barbed wire was about 5 inches long and had a large barb on it, but still registered as B target. I re-scanned these areas after my propointer helped me go right to the target and got no more signals of any coins that might have been within my coils scan range. I love my propointer more than any piece of metal detecting equipment I own at present time and will not leave home without it. Thanks to Mr. Garrett and family for developing and selling such a fine piece of equipment.