New member

Hello all I am new to the forum and decided to share some of my finds with you.I have been metal detecting over 30 years now and decided to order a new MXT Pro. I have always had whites machines with the exception of one garret machine. I started out with a gold master and worked my way up my last detector being the DFX. I must admit I recieved the MXT and was first a little overwelmed with how noisy it was. But after a couple hours of figuring the machine out I was popping out coins and relics left and right. What they say about the machine is true it does have great depth. I found coins in places I have been over many time with my other detector mostly indian heads and early wheaties.Needless to say I am impressed with it. I have found I do need to order a smaller loop for trashy areas. Does anyone have any recomedations.