Headed out late yesterday afternoon, and it started raining. Of course I kept on hunting, as the AT's are water proof. I hunted until I couldn't see any more due to darkness. Got up this morning, and it was pouring out. I waited a few hours, and when the showers nearly finished, I went back to yesterdays site, then stopped at another community center, where I got a ring.
Here's the best! I dug up a couple of Dino Dollar tokens which expired in July 25, 1993. They were for the Dinosaur World Tour, which I remember and actually visited. I also got another "I LOVE MY BEST FRIEND FOREVER" ring. I am guessing it's made of copper, as it had a VDI of 81. I doubt very much that they would have used silver, then painted over it. It is not attracted to a magnet either.