There were a lot of issues that were unclear on that proposal we voted on last Friday where I work........we have to have at least 50% of the rank and file sign a petition to re-vote......THIS TIME;I am not going to act like a horses arse if its voted down again-although I dont think it will be voted down again-ALL the issues on this proposal have to be discussed,WORD FOR WORD to some of them-you know how some people are-you have to talk to them in a way and a level they will other words,speak in laymans terms-leave the big words at home!!!HOWEVER IT TURNS OUT;I will tell you:LIFE GOES ON........I told my wife however it turns out,I AM NOT going to change our vacation plans I have already made..there are WAY too many good things in life to let what may-or may not-happen with my job overshadow all the good things I have.....i have a lot of plans for this summer(it will be here soon...)lots of camping,metal detecting;gettin away with my wife and dog;(YES,I CAN HEAR IT-REMEMBER MY POST FROM YESTERDAY? ITS GETTIN LOUDER ALL THE TIME....