Michigan will launch a 30 day speeding ticket frenzy, The State estimates that 9 million dollars will be generated in speeding tickets. 1 million will go to pay state troopers overtime.
There will be 50 state troopers on duty At all times patrolling the 6 main intersections and highways.
I-75 north and south
I-94 from Ann Arbor to Port Huron
the entire length of I-696
I-275 north and south
M-10 Lodge freeway
I-96 from Detroit west to M-14
Now a 5 mph above the limit can justify a ticket and every state trooper is suppose to pull a car over and write a ticket every 10 minutes. they have been issued 30 brand new unmarked crown Victoria cruisers. and they are bringing all there part time troopers on to full time.
There will be 50 state troopers on duty At all times patrolling the 6 main intersections and highways.
I-75 north and south
I-94 from Ann Arbor to Port Huron
the entire length of I-696
I-275 north and south
M-10 Lodge freeway
I-96 from Detroit west to M-14
Now a 5 mph above the limit can justify a ticket and every state trooper is suppose to pull a car over and write a ticket every 10 minutes. they have been issued 30 brand new unmarked crown Victoria cruisers. and they are bringing all there part time troopers on to full time.