Looking to buy old dog license/tax tags (pre-1960).
ANY tags with solid serial number, I.E. #4444, #555, #77777, #11, etc.
ANY tags with single digit serial number (low serial number, #1 thru #9).
ANY tags with the date & serial number that match, I.E. 1972 dated tag with serial #1972, or 1941 with #1941, etc.
ANY tags with "ladder" serial number, I.E. #123, #01234, #123456, etc
ANY tags with solid serial number, I.E. #4444, #555, #77777, #11, etc.
ANY tags with single digit serial number (low serial number, #1 thru #9).
ANY tags with the date & serial number that match, I.E. 1972 dated tag with serial #1972, or 1941 with #1941, etc.
ANY tags with "ladder" serial number, I.E. #123, #01234, #123456, etc