I don't live near you but I felt the same way. Now I am starting to love my XS. What I did to get it going was lower the Sens. down to even single digits if you have too. Put the sens in Manual. I got nothing but surface clad for 3 months trying to run it in semi-auto an high sens values. The chirps and pops were a complete mess. Pinpointing was also a problem for me. The all metal mode (pin point) on the XS sucks. It has a crapy sound to it and can go out of wack very easy. If there is nothing around it works OK, and coins pinpoint on the smaller side. You can also pinpoint in discriminate mode which you must do in trashy areas. I would not get rid of it, I had a rough day today only found 3 wheat's but one of the wheats was at least 7" down my digger and hand was going into the hole a long ways down. I think the coin feel out of the side of the dig tho. But at any rate it was deep. Also, I am getting my butt kicked by a Sov. right now, the XS for me is a little hard to pick out the iffy dig signals and so I think I am passing up some coins. I need to learn the iffy signal dig and then I will be set. Most iffy's that I have dug so far have not been coins so I am not learning yet. Another thing that I am having problems with is the sweep speed, I tend to go too fast. It gets frustrating when you can not cover much area. And then if you speed up you cant find anything, so you are a double loser. LOL. Sorry for the rambling.