You might want to think about that purchase. With the cost of the printers being low it is tempting to just go out and get one. Take your pick, the low end Canon, Epson, HP, etc, etc will do fine for up to 8x10 prints. You definately want to get one specific for photos. The more ink cartridges, the better. Then you can replace only the inks you are using rather than have to chuck a lot of ink still left in a "one-size-fits-all" ink cartridge because you ran out of cyan and need the red to make a decent print.
But, I would also suggest you take a look at some of the on-line photo services or your local stores. Walgreens, Costco, Target, Walmart, all have a do-it-yourself photo boutique so you can enlarge your own digital images. Many of them also have services on-line that you can submit your photos to and they will mail you the prints back. Some do professional work and they cost a little more but the quality matters.
Many of these on-line centers have masks you can place over your photos such as Christmas or other holiday masks for greeting cards and such. They also do color correction which, if you have tried to set up a good printer on Photoshop (I have -- Epson R1800) it's a bit of work and costs as you get the profile set for the printer.
So, you can check out and create a profile for the online photo centers at some of the following:
Walmart On-line Photo Lab Login / Account Creation
Miller's Professional Photographic Lab
Costco's On-line Lab (naturally, you have to be a Costco member to use the lab.
Google for digital photo lab and you will be inundated with choices.
Just another 2c.