Hello, currently I switch between a Tesoro Vaquero and a whites eagle spectrum. I've had the Vaquero for about 2 years and have only used the eagle spectrum for like 5 or 6 hunts. I mainly wanted to detect for silver/old coins and relics and thought the Vaquero would suit my needs, but at this point in time I just can't figure out how people are successful with it. I have found more silver in those few hunts with the eagle, including a Spanish reale, than the whole time I've had the Vaq. I'm thinkin of trading the Vaquero for a different detector and was thinking another whites. The eagle is just a little too heavy and stuff and i want something a little more modern. I was thinking I might be able to get a used DFX or something because I like how it can switch between 3khz and 15khz, but I'm just looking for any opinions. I got accustomed to the eagles programs pretty quickly so that's not an issue..thanks for any input