Hi all...
Just got off the hooter with the fine folks at Mienlab and they have come up with a special one-off deal for the NEW X-Terra 6" coil. For today only (1 April 2007), they are offering, through the miracles of new technology, their brand spanking new 6in coil for the X-Terra free of charge for all X-Terra owners. To alleviate the costs of shipping and delivery, they have developed a new technology that you can simply retrieve this new coil from your computer. That is right, you just need to take the attached image, print it out on a piece of rigid plastic (paper and cardboard admissible but not totally supported) and connect an antenna wire to this print out and attach the wire to your X-Terra with duct tape. Don't ask me how it works...I just got the news hot off the press so I haven't tried it out yet myself.
By the way, the coil is a special AF version which we all know mean "All Frequencies" and works with all models including the newest X-Terra 90. To change frequencies, one just need to blink your eyes once for 3mhz, twice for 7.5mhz and thrice for 17.5mhz or better yet, just keep blinking to obtain ALL frequencies. Kinda neat, eh?
Be sure to do this on the April 1st since this is a highly limited time offer never to be repeated again or at least until next April 1st, which ever comes first.
As an added bonus to those who send in photos of themselves using the new coil and all their cool finds to Mienlab, they will be giving out clues to the whereabouts of the BOTH pot at the end of the rainbow AND the leprechaun's pot o' gold. Just think of going out with your X-Terra and the new coil searching for these goodies, eh?
cheers and have a great day...Brissietex
Just got off the hooter with the fine folks at Mienlab and they have come up with a special one-off deal for the NEW X-Terra 6" coil. For today only (1 April 2007), they are offering, through the miracles of new technology, their brand spanking new 6in coil for the X-Terra free of charge for all X-Terra owners. To alleviate the costs of shipping and delivery, they have developed a new technology that you can simply retrieve this new coil from your computer. That is right, you just need to take the attached image, print it out on a piece of rigid plastic (paper and cardboard admissible but not totally supported) and connect an antenna wire to this print out and attach the wire to your X-Terra with duct tape. Don't ask me how it works...I just got the news hot off the press so I haven't tried it out yet myself.
By the way, the coil is a special AF version which we all know mean "All Frequencies" and works with all models including the newest X-Terra 90. To change frequencies, one just need to blink your eyes once for 3mhz, twice for 7.5mhz and thrice for 17.5mhz or better yet, just keep blinking to obtain ALL frequencies. Kinda neat, eh?
Be sure to do this on the April 1st since this is a highly limited time offer never to be repeated again or at least until next April 1st, which ever comes first.
As an added bonus to those who send in photos of themselves using the new coil and all their cool finds to Mienlab, they will be giving out clues to the whereabouts of the BOTH pot at the end of the rainbow AND the leprechaun's pot o' gold. Just think of going out with your X-Terra and the new coil searching for these goodies, eh?
cheers and have a great day...Brissietex