The Learn and Edit functions are easy to use and very effective when it comes to constructing a discrimination pattern. I would first go to the menu then to select and clear the screen. Next would be to select and reject the different areas for the icons to see where these targets are located on the display. I have a rather large collection of good finds and junk items. These were used to see where thy hit on the display individually and in different combinations. I was more interested in iron, tab tails, pulltabs in different sizes, foil, and aluminum in different sizes in comparisons to all US coins and jewelry. The pattern we end up with on the screen is only about half the value of patterns in my opinion. It is settings and working the coil and correlating this to the pattern that is the other half which includes the tones. I used a chromatic tuner to see what note is sounded for targets. While many targets sound the same note it is much like a song in you can play a bar using the same notes and the will be different. Just because a ring and tab may sound the same note we can still work the coil and find that a tab and ring will respond in a distinct way. Like a bar or music in that just a little null or rest that is longer or shorter can be all we need to know one from the other. This is the other half of patterns that we learn from using the detector. In my opinion testing is of great value and one should experiment with the different setting to see how the sound and what the crosshairs do.
The User
The User