Went out to the Rod and Gun club, and they did plenty of shooting at this place. I was able to dig one dime and a wheat . I dug at least 2 dozen shot gun shells. What throws me on the DFX the readings were from 16 to 26. I dug some but I left lots in the ground. I was out 2 hours, the silver made it worth while and it was a beauty of a day, A breeze blowing to keep the gnats away. I no longer smoke , I substituted a punk in my yap to get a little smoke going. We had these when we were kids, they worked good at lighting fire crackers. My woman found them at a farmers auction. I had 3 big bundles of them. I will have to tell her to keep an eye out for another batch. The gnats this year are brutal. I did everything human possible, treated my clothes, bought new sprays and they are still able to get into my peepers. I even have the drier sheets on my lid, don't know if they are helping or not. Any who, it was a nice day out. I came home, did a little painting of the deck and now its Petes time. Good Hunting!