[attachment 209221 100_0480816x612.jpg][attachment 209222 100_0486816x612.jpg]IT Rained for two days here, and today it cleared perfect to get out and see if I could pick up another ring or some clad.Well wife had car so only thing I could do was to walk down to local park.I was hopeing with all rain in ground that the hard hit park would produce.After hitting lhe basket ball court grassy area that had produced a gold chain and cross a couple weeks ago. It produce a little clad.Tried tot lot it was clean.Decided to try sports field it had produced awhile ago a silver ring and nice silver necklace along with a Andrew Jackson Dollar coin,and bullnose wrist bracelet.Wasn't having much luck a few pennies and tabs..Well over by a soccer net got a good signal with X2,dug down with soil knife and hit something solid and big. I figured a piece of junk metal.In past i have found some strange stuff in this sports field..Well about four inch down I pried up a plastic box its upside down,and I pull it out.Well in the hole where box was is is a bunch of rotted paper and a purple necklace.Rooting around in hole I pull out the broken plastic lid.to the container. And Lo and behold a small metal tin is in there also.The tin is rusted and has some words on it but can't make em out..I shake the tin and theres something in there....and I.m thing YES! jewelry or something good is in there.I get home and wash off the necklace and st it aside..And now for the metal tin I was it off best I can.And try opening the lid its rusted shut pretty good..After a few trys i finally get it open and this is what was inside......