Let me introduce my Lobo ST results from last 2 mornings. My strategy is still the same, hot days is better spent closely to fridge with beer than in the field, but morning, sunrise hits, it is the way how to survive it. Last 2 parts of this miniserial The Sunrise hits were about my Vaquero and Tejon (you can check this Sunrise hits posts), and you can see now: One Fragment of silver half thaler Leopold Habsburg II, some overview, do not pass through as in supermarket, nice buttons, nice relics there, and interesting fake of this time (end of 18.century) , lead falsum of Maria Theresia of Habsburg 20 Kreuzer with madonna. The original (not digged) is as an example on one assembled picture for compare.
[attachment 239927 1overview.jpg]
1 overview
[attachment 239928 2nicehotmorning.jpg]
2 nice hot morning
[attachment 239929 3LeopoldHabsburgIIhalfthalerfragmentnotcleaned.jpg]
3 Leopold Habsburg II halfthaler fragment not cleaned
[attachment 239930 4thesameLeopoldscoinaftercleaningwithnicecoating.jpg]
4 the same Leopold
Let me introduce my Lobo ST results from last 2 mornings. My strategy is still the same, hot days is better spent closely to fridge with beer than in the field, but morning, sunrise hits, it is the way how to survive it. Last 2 parts of this miniserial The Sunrise hits were about my Vaquero and Tejon (you can check this Sunrise hits posts), and you can see now: One Fragment of silver half thaler Leopold Habsburg II, some overview, do not pass through as in supermarket, nice buttons, nice relics there, and interesting fake of this time (end of 18.century) , lead falsum of Maria Theresia of Habsburg 20 Kreuzer with madonna. The original (not digged) is as an example on one assembled picture for compare.
[attachment 239927 1overview.jpg]
1 overview
[attachment 239928 2nicehotmorning.jpg]
2 nice hot morning
[attachment 239929 3LeopoldHabsburgIIhalfthalerfragmentnotcleaned.jpg]
3 Leopold Habsburg II halfthaler fragment not cleaned
[attachment 239930 4thesameLeopoldscoinaftercleaningwithnicecoating.jpg]
4 the same Leopold