Can anyone very briefly please answer even one question, or maybe more below about the Lobo ST is appreciated:
1) I wonder why in Discrimination Mode the Lobo ST has a Fixed GB, and why Tesoro did NOT put on at least a Manual GB or have the existing Auto GB work in the Discrimination Mode? (There would be more depth in the Discrimination Mode "IF" it had some kind of adjustable Ground Balance. But yes it has a very good Auto-GB in the All-Metal Mode.)
2) Does anyone know, does the Lobo ST have 120 or 180 Discrimination? (It does not say on their web site as I checked.)
3) Does the Lobo ST have H.O.T. technology like the Cibola, Vaquero, and Tejon? Or standard uMax technology like the Silver uMax?
4) Did anyone use a Lobo ST for prospecting: Does anyone know well the Lobo ST handles HotRocks in the goldfields, also the bad high mineralized ground compared to the other gold prospecting units on the market, and is it a fast swinging/recovery unit or slower?
(I am interested in buying one and would get the 10x12" DD coil for it as well.)
Thanks for any help!
1) I wonder why in Discrimination Mode the Lobo ST has a Fixed GB, and why Tesoro did NOT put on at least a Manual GB or have the existing Auto GB work in the Discrimination Mode? (There would be more depth in the Discrimination Mode "IF" it had some kind of adjustable Ground Balance. But yes it has a very good Auto-GB in the All-Metal Mode.)
2) Does anyone know, does the Lobo ST have 120 or 180 Discrimination? (It does not say on their web site as I checked.)
3) Does the Lobo ST have H.O.T. technology like the Cibola, Vaquero, and Tejon? Or standard uMax technology like the Silver uMax?
4) Did anyone use a Lobo ST for prospecting: Does anyone know well the Lobo ST handles HotRocks in the goldfields, also the bad high mineralized ground compared to the other gold prospecting units on the market, and is it a fast swinging/recovery unit or slower?
(I am interested in buying one and would get the 10x12" DD coil for it as well.)
Thanks for any help!