Sorry have not posted in a while tons of work this year no real time left for much else.
I got out with the Outlaw today old hunted out park and my goal was to dig as many targets as I could right at the nickel mark and just above on the face plate. NOTE I have my detectors disk knob set to drop nickels right on the nickel line, just above the line you may get a tick tick sound sometimes when air testing ( most the time I get the same results with a nickel in the ground ) But there is always a but, if a nickel is sideways or sharing the hole with something else things change of course.
Today I dug a grip of little pull tabs because they like to come in through the nickel range. So hunting for nickels can be a chore and you will dig a few tabs for sure. Most of the tabs started to break up just above the nickel and would drop or get real ticky sounding by the tab line on the face plate ( a few fooled me of course and I thought they where a nickel ) With that said the three nickels I found today two of them dropped right on the line just like I have the disk knob set to do. The other nickel was in a hole with a dime and a tab now this changed things. The sound as I scrolled the disk knob right just above nickel started sounding scratchy and some what choppy but with a small fainter sounding good tone now and then. Now as I scrolled the disk knob past tabs slowly I would get the good tone now passing over the target in different directions but is was not as faint sounding. ( After digging the targets there was a tab that popped up right next to and slightly above the dime the nickel was approx. an 1/2 " to 1" inch over to the right at an angle from the dime give or take all at about 3" to 4")
Also I have noticed my Outlaw will drop Zincs 1/2 to 3/4 the way past the tabs line on the face plate before the zinc line but again the disk knob is right on the money like I said on the nickel line on the face plate when dropping out nickels in disk mode.
In summery,
Paying attention to when the real nickels drop out on the disk (having the knob set to drop nickels right on the line) really helps when not wanting to miss nickels in the ground and working around and through tabs. Also listening to the tone of the detector and slowing the sweep speed can help on tricky targets.
Also I found a 1944 wheat today rare in this old park now days, that made digging all the tabs worth it besides the little test I did.
Take Care All,
Bill G
I got out with the Outlaw today old hunted out park and my goal was to dig as many targets as I could right at the nickel mark and just above on the face plate. NOTE I have my detectors disk knob set to drop nickels right on the nickel line, just above the line you may get a tick tick sound sometimes when air testing ( most the time I get the same results with a nickel in the ground ) But there is always a but, if a nickel is sideways or sharing the hole with something else things change of course.
Today I dug a grip of little pull tabs because they like to come in through the nickel range. So hunting for nickels can be a chore and you will dig a few tabs for sure. Most of the tabs started to break up just above the nickel and would drop or get real ticky sounding by the tab line on the face plate ( a few fooled me of course and I thought they where a nickel ) With that said the three nickels I found today two of them dropped right on the line just like I have the disk knob set to do. The other nickel was in a hole with a dime and a tab now this changed things. The sound as I scrolled the disk knob right just above nickel started sounding scratchy and some what choppy but with a small fainter sounding good tone now and then. Now as I scrolled the disk knob past tabs slowly I would get the good tone now passing over the target in different directions but is was not as faint sounding. ( After digging the targets there was a tab that popped up right next to and slightly above the dime the nickel was approx. an 1/2 " to 1" inch over to the right at an angle from the dime give or take all at about 3" to 4")
Also I have noticed my Outlaw will drop Zincs 1/2 to 3/4 the way past the tabs line on the face plate before the zinc line but again the disk knob is right on the money like I said on the nickel line on the face plate when dropping out nickels in disk mode.
In summery,
Paying attention to when the real nickels drop out on the disk (having the knob set to drop nickels right on the line) really helps when not wanting to miss nickels in the ground and working around and through tabs. Also listening to the tone of the detector and slowing the sweep speed can help on tricky targets.
Also I found a 1944 wheat today rare in this old park now days, that made digging all the tabs worth it besides the little test I did.
Take Care All,
Bill G