[size=x-large]I like my compadre because ITS LIGHT and i like it because IT PINPONTS SPOT ON and i like it because IT CAN FIND SMALL THINGS for example my musketeer barly hears a 22 shell or slug but the compadre goes off like a bomb. my musketeer has problems pinpointing iron objects the compadre spot on . the compadre will get a 22 slug 3" deep and a coin at 5" I did re adjust the internal setings again this time i have the ground to be silent on hot rocks and i turned the sensitivity down so it does not shater and its working really nice now for the park and the trash site or contruction this is a nice tool the 12khz frequincey is better at amaller items as oposed whith my musketeer s 5khz barly gives sounds on small things but is better on silver and good targets i can see for sure It seems to me you are in a balancing act whith coil size and frequincey the bigger the coil the les sensitive it is on small items and the higher frequencey likes smaller items so a big coil whith a low khz will mis dimes and a small coil whith highkhz will get small items better but lose some depth so maybe Its better to have a compomise 7.5khz and a 9" coil for best overall it is a balancing act [/size]