What is the lightest DEEPEST Fisher for relic hunting out there..I got rid of a 1266, that intimidated me in iron country..Went to a Tesoro Vaquero..The 1266 I have to use seems to be deeper in the field than the "V".I like it better in iron than the other one... However it weights more than the Vaquero and wears me down There is one site that may date from the 1880's, and also predates that period , going back into prehistoric copper Indian artifacts.So, I want better depth than the 1266, and the lightness.(if possible)of the Vaquero, and as few gimmicks as possible.The unit goes beep, I pull up the back hoe. Within the range of the detectors, weight and simplicity are the main considerations,Depth may be second...Since the very early sixties, I just counted ,and have had nine Fishers..Am not strictly a one brand only user..I want a detector suited to finding coins, near the top, and copper down a bit in the 9 to 15 inch range..that will not rip my shoulder off.. .Cordially Nad