Pete in MI
New member
What does one think when he lived through a time when he knew nuclear holocaust was imminent - like 30 seconds before B-52 bombers launch to drop their nuclear weapons on Russia and the missile silos with our ICMBs are opened and ready for launch?
What does one think when he puts in 11 years honorable service in the Air Force with commendations from not only the AIr Force but from Army Generals and even awards from a foreign country and is promised a retirement at age 55 and finds 25 years later when he is 55 he will get nothing?
How does one feel when a thief breaks in and steals your appliances - before you have even moved into the house?
What does one think when he applies for medical coverage to get a hernia fixed and finds his wife and step-child is eligible but he isn't because he isn't the biological father?
Don't get me wrong and think this is a pity party or "Oh poor Pete".
These things have all happened - and even more. It is easy - well human - to think what a rotten deal that has been dealt. One could get mad to the anger point of doing something stupid. One could point fingers and put blame on others. One could ask himself why do I bother to be a Christian - after all all the good things seem to go to them who resist God and serve Satan.
These illustrations I mentioned all have a purpose. The nuclear weapons situation where the world could have come to a horrific ending reminds me: God is in control!
Waiting for retirement then not going to get a penny: Put your trust in God, not the things of this world. (After all God's retirement plan is much better than the temporary one we have here anyway).
A thief coming and stealing from me: Satan is always out looking to steal and destroy. It is even worse when we leave the door open for the thief to enter into. Having my eyes set on things of this world, letting my emotions be open to hate, resentment, fear, and other feelings is like holding the door open for Satan to come and go as he pleases - taking along your peace, your sanity, your money, your love, your trust and more.
I have to on guard always for Satan "roams about as a lion seeking whom he can destroy". My thoughts are my biggest problem. Thoughts are where seeds are planted and if I dwell on the seeds planted by the enemy it will grow and "choke out the Word". "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks". I have to guard my thoughts, my heart and my mouth.
I need to continue to seek God and the Word daily. I need to be thankful - for so many things - daily - God has done and is doing and is even doing for me in the future which is not here yet.
I'm studying the 40 days of purpose (Purpose Driven Life) and am learning alot. I just wanted to share with you - not to seek pity - some of the things I have had to deal with and understand. Life is much better when we surrender to God and let Him do what is right for us.
Hope this life lesson had helped you as it has helped me.
What does one think when he puts in 11 years honorable service in the Air Force with commendations from not only the AIr Force but from Army Generals and even awards from a foreign country and is promised a retirement at age 55 and finds 25 years later when he is 55 he will get nothing?
How does one feel when a thief breaks in and steals your appliances - before you have even moved into the house?
What does one think when he applies for medical coverage to get a hernia fixed and finds his wife and step-child is eligible but he isn't because he isn't the biological father?
Don't get me wrong and think this is a pity party or "Oh poor Pete".
These things have all happened - and even more. It is easy - well human - to think what a rotten deal that has been dealt. One could get mad to the anger point of doing something stupid. One could point fingers and put blame on others. One could ask himself why do I bother to be a Christian - after all all the good things seem to go to them who resist God and serve Satan.
These illustrations I mentioned all have a purpose. The nuclear weapons situation where the world could have come to a horrific ending reminds me: God is in control!
Waiting for retirement then not going to get a penny: Put your trust in God, not the things of this world. (After all God's retirement plan is much better than the temporary one we have here anyway).
A thief coming and stealing from me: Satan is always out looking to steal and destroy. It is even worse when we leave the door open for the thief to enter into. Having my eyes set on things of this world, letting my emotions be open to hate, resentment, fear, and other feelings is like holding the door open for Satan to come and go as he pleases - taking along your peace, your sanity, your money, your love, your trust and more.
I have to on guard always for Satan "roams about as a lion seeking whom he can destroy". My thoughts are my biggest problem. Thoughts are where seeds are planted and if I dwell on the seeds planted by the enemy it will grow and "choke out the Word". "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks". I have to guard my thoughts, my heart and my mouth.
I need to continue to seek God and the Word daily. I need to be thankful - for so many things - daily - God has done and is doing and is even doing for me in the future which is not here yet.
I'm studying the 40 days of purpose (Purpose Driven Life) and am learning alot. I just wanted to share with you - not to seek pity - some of the things I have had to deal with and understand. Life is much better when we surrender to God and let Him do what is right for us.
Hope this life lesson had helped you as it has helped me.