M.L. Hinds
I keep hearing hunted out and feel it might be driving a thought that people feel they have to find a virgin site to make great finds!! People this is not the case.. What you find is going to be how much research you do and time your willing to put in detecting to learn your equipment! Now there is some luck involved however, I truely believe that skill is a great big part of the finds folks are making. My son Weston for the first year or so was always getting mad at me cause I seemed to find more than he did where he had already hunted. I would pat him on the back and say "slow down be patient there is still lots of good stuff to find". Now due to his available time his collection of coins, rings, buttons, ect. is getting to be remarkable to say the least!! His best coin came from guess where?? A area that he was told was hunted out (penny worth around 300-400 dollars)! He was told by numerous elderly folks and other detectorist that it was hunted to death yet he remembered what dad told him and went to it anyway!! Now the great part he has been using a 200 dollar detector (Ace 250). He finally understands just what I am trying to tell everyone "THESE SITES ARE NOT HUNTED OUT" Weather it takes skill, better equipment, bigger coil, mother nature!! You can and will find stuff in these sites that they say has nothing left!