Hi guys !
Reading the posts, and thought I'd try and get you back on the right track with regards to the incorrect lines of thinking regarding sweep speed etc.
IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH 'changing field's rate, etc.
Optimum 'Sweep Speed' is dictated PRIMARILY by the PASS BAND of the filters and/or the A.C. coupling of the signal amplifiers.
What YOU are doing by varying your sweep rate, is trying to match the target's 'response profile' ( in terms of its audio harmonic contents ), such that they best fit within the pass-band of your machine's signal amplifiers.
2 filters are generally the minimum found in any detector, that number is most tolerant of varying sweep speeds. Good in trash, but bad in fluctuating mineralization.
3 filters is a good compromise. 4 filters or more are more efficient in counteracting 'bad ground', but more constraining on sweep speed variability. You then have to determine more accurately what is the optimum sweep rate.
The average coin sized target produces a frequency spectrum of roughly 4 HZ to 20 or 30 Hz at sweep speeds of half to 1&1/2 metres per second.
The 'apparent' target size varies from its measured size, depending on its depth. So the same target at differing depths can require slightly different sweep speeds.
I have never subscribed to the myth regarding sweeping Minelabs very slowly.
As correctly stated in one of the posts..'he sweeps much faster, yet still finds as much'.......
You do your thing, but don't be shackled by the so called 'Minelab experts'. 99% of them are just 'swingers' and no more than that.
Be your own man...keep experimenting and discover by practicing, what suits you, in your situation.
That is the most important advice to follow.
You can't simply copy someone else's set up and use that regardlessly.
There is more bad advise bandied around on forums than most detectorists are aware off.
Be more enquiring and discerning about what you read. ..........MattR.UK