Way back when I was a working hand with a wife and 3 kids to take care of ,my one machine did it all, and I was mighty glad to have it, though it sometimes spent more time in the shop than out.My first machine was a BFO, and found a bunch of coins for me.Second machine was a disaster and went to the shop,and back,for repair, 7 (Yes, SEVEN) times within a year and a half. Registered letters etc. all unanswered.I got no answer/appology/ or explanation of anything. Did always get a bill though. Years later when the kids were grown and on their own and my money was not so tight I managed to get that "backup" machine we most all dream of one day to have. Not so much a "speciality" machine, but just an extra machine, so when you are neck deep in the woods and "old faithful" dies dead as a hammer on you. I have to add , that machine that "traveled so much to and fro"the shop was not a Tesoro. When I went to Tesoro in the 80's any time I sent one home was for a minor repair or a tuneup. For free too, and Tesoro folks are always ready and willing to help, not dodge me like my prior Co.My "point" is that things being good as they have for most folks the last few years,they get that spare machine mostly I believe for a bit of security in knowing there will always be a machine close by for when they get that time to get off with their buddies, or just themselves, to settle down and smooth out. After that comes the plain ole ":Want it" period that sets in. That is when some ole diggers let their "lust" /"covetness" get out of hand and the desire gets them by the butt for awhile. They usually survive that and settle down to being sane once again, but not before having entirely more detectors than they can possibly use any more. By then they are to old and crepit to get out and go like they once did for hours and hours, and days and days. They take solace in the though of knowing that they are good to go though, and there wont be any problems of shipping a machine back for a repair and waiting 5 -6 weeks or more for it to return. Just my thoughts. HH, Charlie