Used to use the 35" or maybe its the 36" Lesche ground shark all the time at parks and school grounds, Now only use it when park workers are ok with it.
However, Although the Ground Shark makes digging so much easier now tend to use my hand diggers about 95% of the time, Trying to avoid issues especially out detecting new territory. Hand diggers just don't set off alarms as a long handle digger will, use your judgement.
Lesche Ground Shark has three different lengths, Being 5' 11" so the middle lenght is perfect for me, tried the longest version for years but that is too tall handle for me. Now, use the 35/36" inch handle.
The only problem I have with the Predator or Lesche hand digger is the 7" 1/4" blade is not long enough, the bottom portion of the handles bottom on the outer portion of the plug. Unless I widen the plug but then the plug is much bigger than it needs to be, I called Predator tools asked them to lengthen the blade but that will weaken it.
So, I use another hand digger to dig down deeper after pulling a plug with the Predator hand digger. Carry two hand diggers now, wish it was one though maybe someday Predator will extend the blade to 9" inches instead of the standard 7" 1/4" lenght blade. Garrett's new Garrett Edge digger blade is 7" 1/2" inches long but that's only 1/4" longer than a Lesche or Predator hand digger, Need a good 2" inches more.
Paul (Ca)