I have found a site that was constructed in the early 1900's and is now in a state of decay and a church camp in about the same condition. The 1st site is about 100 acres and the second site is about 50 acres, but the area searched would be a lot smaller than that. Both of these sites have turned down requests to metal detect there because they are afraid of liability issues and destruction of the area by an army of people using metal detectors.
The 1st site has a hunting and fishing lease and the 2nd one does not. I am considering offering them $150.00 to $200.00 for a lease to metal detect these locations in exchange for exclusive rights to metal detect these properties for a year. I know the 1st site will be worth it and possibly the 2nd as well. I have never heard anyone on any of these forums mention this before and would welcome any input.
Since the Ga DNR says you have to have written permission from a private landowner is you find certain relics, etc, I would like to lease these areas and get written permission and agree to be responsible for my own safety, etc. Any feedback, positive or negative would be appreciated. Thanks.
The 1st site has a hunting and fishing lease and the 2nd one does not. I am considering offering them $150.00 to $200.00 for a lease to metal detect these locations in exchange for exclusive rights to metal detect these properties for a year. I know the 1st site will be worth it and possibly the 2nd as well. I have never heard anyone on any of these forums mention this before and would welcome any input.
Since the Ga DNR says you have to have written permission from a private landowner is you find certain relics, etc, I would like to lease these areas and get written permission and agree to be responsible for my own safety, etc. Any feedback, positive or negative would be appreciated. Thanks.