You can download the thirty-eight page owners manual from Kellyco's or Fisher's website as I did. I am new to the hobby also. I just ordered an F75 last Tuesday. I'm a little nervous, because it's all new to me. I'm sure like anything else, the more I use it the better I will get. I've been reading everything on the forums on the F75 and other detectors that I was interested in for a couple of months now. You will find a lot of information on this Fisher forum going back a month or two and now on the new Fisher F75 classroom forum further down the list of Finds forums.
There are a lot of very experienced metal detector users on these forums and I have found that they are for the most part, very friendly and willing to help.
As to your initial question about the free goods for the F75, it's the old law of Supply and Demand. It's a brand new detector and the dealers are only allowed to discount it a maximum of 15%off list. They are not allowed to throw the freebies in right now, maybe in a couple of months.
I think the more that you read on the F75, the more you will want one. Good luck in your decision.