I know in the book, it tells us to use edit to edit a learned program that is already stored.
I can't get my edit program to edit my learned programs.
In the edit program I just get a small curser in the middle of my screen. I chose the size curser (small) I chose the X for delete, I run what I want to delete from my program under my coil and it keeps beeping.
I would think it should take a couple of passes like in the learn mode and the object would stop giving a signal, but it doesn't it will stell give a signal.
I have gotten around this by using learn to edit my learn programs.
Am I doing anthing wrong in the edit program ?
Has anyone else had this problem?
I started with medium size curser for learn and then for fine tuning when to edit using the small curser to take out the iteams that were so close to what I'm hunting for.
I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but what I have done is working, I think. I could be leaving a crap load of goodies behind <IMG SRC="/forums/images/frown.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="
I can't get my edit program to edit my learned programs.
In the edit program I just get a small curser in the middle of my screen. I chose the size curser (small) I chose the X for delete, I run what I want to delete from my program under my coil and it keeps beeping.
I would think it should take a couple of passes like in the learn mode and the object would stop giving a signal, but it doesn't it will stell give a signal.
I have gotten around this by using learn to edit my learn programs.
Am I doing anthing wrong in the edit program ?
Has anyone else had this problem?
I started with medium size curser for learn and then for fine tuning when to edit using the small curser to take out the iteams that were so close to what I'm hunting for.
I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but what I have done is working, I think. I could be leaving a crap load of goodies behind <IMG SRC="/forums/images/frown.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="