I went out along this green grass area by this laundry mat and metal detected by the trees. As I was going along this woman started talking to me and I got this nice hard hit. Not really paying attention to the meter, but was trying to listen t her. I went to pinpoint it and was thinking thinking can as it was not a small target. I pushed my digger into the soil and hit something, again thinking can. I backed my digger up and tried again only when I cut my plug all these round things started showing up , along with what was part of a wrapper. I found a roll of quarters that was lost but there was 38 in all. The woman that was watching me was talking a mile a minute as I tried to find the last two quarters, but was not able to find them. I think she wanted to get a metal detector after seeing all the money I found in one hole. I told her how to get one if she wanted one , and as I started to walk to my car just just went the other way.