Sorry you had to "find" one of the hobby's snobs. There is one in every crowd

I bought a

E-trac to find a silver dime.

I was hunting a place of convenience next to a business of mine,
every night when I locked up. It had been beat to death over the years, mainly with White's and Compass machines. Oh course they proclaimed

were no silver coins left.
I found 4 silver quarters on that hillside next to a set of concrete steps that went to the WW11 era swimming pool with my At Gold. Yea I know its a gold machine and shouldn't be used for coins

I had gone over that set of steps a jillion times with an ACE 350, the AT Pro and AT Gold. I had switched the coils from one Pro to the next, so that it had been covered inch for inch with both the standard and small coil, even the sniper coils until the coin well went dry and no coins for me the last 3 or 4 hunts

I told the wife that there was NO way that there wasn't a silver dime there if there was 4 silver quarters. Now a jillion times is a bunch, so I ordered a

since they had a good reputation to find deep silver coins , to prove to myself I was right
Yep, I WAS right. I found one 1925 Mercury at 4 inches

and two silver nickels @ about as deep as they can be detected. The hill has since turned coin sterile for me again , but thats not saying somebody with another brand detector running a different Khz or technology won't be able to open up this area to silver coins in the future.
Was the cost of an E-trac worth a dime and two nickels.........can you put a price on sanity
I look at metal detectors for what they are, tools to detect metals. The E-trac is just another tool, used to detect metals, and it excells in certain situations, where the Ace and AT Platforms would excel in others. Used PROPERLY the 4 metal detectors compliment each other very well.
As Rodney King once said, "Can't we all just get along"