Today while searching an elementary school yard I had a sort of choppy but high tone signal on the old Sovereign XS-2. I had dug an 1964 D quarter about an hour before this which is in near perfect detail sans a few black stains. The Quarter was found at about 8 inches depth including the 2 inches of thick grass above which I was swinging the coil.
This new target signal was very much like the quarter, nice and soft and mellow sound but somewhat choppy a times. I thought for sure I had another. So I pinpointed and proceeded to dig. My wife had decided to come along and sit underneath a tree to enjoy the afternoon breeze. A storm was blowing in and she was getting nervous since we heard thunder in the distance. By now I had dug a 6 inch plug and hole to China. She told me we should get going and I said the usual; "just a minute honey I think I have something."
After a few more minutes of digging in the now cement like dried dirt mixed with small stones (agonizing), I finally was on the verge of finding my prise as unveiled by the Whites Bullseye II pinpointer. By now my arm could reach the bottom of the hole which was just past my elbow as a scooped out the dry dirt and stones with my grungy hand.
As I approached the target I started tuning down the pinpointer so I would know when I was just near the target. Just under and inch I told myself. Just then I felt something familiar. It was sort of hard yet folded. Eureka!!!! I thought as I extracted a sample of the find. A moment of silence.......
Oh my gosh, it couldn't be?, no no, oh my gosh!!!!! As I stared in silence at my find I announced to the wife to pack her things up cause we were going home as the thunder and storm was closing in.
I gently unfolded the find. As I did this I wondered if there had ever been an ancient BBQ in this spot. Or if some earlier elementary school child had used this to wrap their sandwich as the other children watched in awe cause they had never seen this stuff before.
At this point I raised my prise to show the wife and exclaimed "I just found another wad of tinfoil, and at 12 inches plus!!!! OK let's go home"
Now, after a few hours of pondering what to do, I recalled the Archeological and Historical Preservation Acts. I knew I had something truly ancient given the depth of my find and the fact that aluminum foil was invented in the late 1800's and it was considerably deeper than my quarter. I had to immediately report this find to the Archeologists at the University of Michigan so that they could make preparations to seize this elementary school for a major dig of historical importance.
Just then it occurred to me that I might also need to report and turn in the quarter I found an hour earlier. But what about the ancient tinfoil I thought. I shared my thoughts with my wife and she said "what are they going to do with the quarter, pocket it?" "Wait a minute", my wife exclaimed, "Isn't the quarter less than 50 years old?". "Yes, your right!!" I said, "But what about the wad of tinfoil?, better call in the U of M Archeologists"
This new target signal was very much like the quarter, nice and soft and mellow sound but somewhat choppy a times. I thought for sure I had another. So I pinpointed and proceeded to dig. My wife had decided to come along and sit underneath a tree to enjoy the afternoon breeze. A storm was blowing in and she was getting nervous since we heard thunder in the distance. By now I had dug a 6 inch plug and hole to China. She told me we should get going and I said the usual; "just a minute honey I think I have something."
After a few more minutes of digging in the now cement like dried dirt mixed with small stones (agonizing), I finally was on the verge of finding my prise as unveiled by the Whites Bullseye II pinpointer. By now my arm could reach the bottom of the hole which was just past my elbow as a scooped out the dry dirt and stones with my grungy hand.
As I approached the target I started tuning down the pinpointer so I would know when I was just near the target. Just under and inch I told myself. Just then I felt something familiar. It was sort of hard yet folded. Eureka!!!! I thought as I extracted a sample of the find. A moment of silence.......
Oh my gosh, it couldn't be?, no no, oh my gosh!!!!! As I stared in silence at my find I announced to the wife to pack her things up cause we were going home as the thunder and storm was closing in.
I gently unfolded the find. As I did this I wondered if there had ever been an ancient BBQ in this spot. Or if some earlier elementary school child had used this to wrap their sandwich as the other children watched in awe cause they had never seen this stuff before.
At this point I raised my prise to show the wife and exclaimed "I just found another wad of tinfoil, and at 12 inches plus!!!! OK let's go home"
Now, after a few hours of pondering what to do, I recalled the Archeological and Historical Preservation Acts. I knew I had something truly ancient given the depth of my find and the fact that aluminum foil was invented in the late 1800's and it was considerably deeper than my quarter. I had to immediately report this find to the Archeologists at the University of Michigan so that they could make preparations to seize this elementary school for a major dig of historical importance.
Just then it occurred to me that I might also need to report and turn in the quarter I found an hour earlier. But what about the ancient tinfoil I thought. I shared my thoughts with my wife and she said "what are they going to do with the quarter, pocket it?" "Wait a minute", my wife exclaimed, "Isn't the quarter less than 50 years old?". "Yes, your right!!" I said, "But what about the wad of tinfoil?, better call in the U of M Archeologists"