I air tested three of my Bounty Hunter detectors both with the 8" and 10 " coils .They were the Quick Silver, Land Star (Camo LS) and the 3300 . I thought I would share the results with you . Please keep in mind that this type of testing a detector has nothing at all to do with actual field performance . ......................................The Quick Silver with the 8 inch coil it detected the penney ,nickel , and dime all at 7 inches , and the quarter at 71/2 inches ... With the 10 inch Magnum coil it hit the penney at 7 1/2 ",nickel and dime both at 8 " and quarter at 9 inches...... The Land Star (Camo LS) actually performed worse with the 10" coil than with the stock 8 " coil . With the 8" coil it detected the penney at 8 1/2", nickel at 5",dime at 7 1/2" and a quarter at 9 inches... With the 10 " coil performance dropped with a penney detected at only 5", nickel at 5 1/2", dime at 7" and quarter at only 8 inch ...... The 3300 with the 8" coil detected a penney at 9 1/2", nickel at 8 1/2", dime at 8" and quarter at 9 inches . The 3300 really came alive with the 10 " coil detecting the penney at 10" , nickel at 10 inches , dime at 9 1/2" and quarter at 11 inches.. I was surprised how differently the Land Star and 3300 reacted to the 10 " Magnum coil . The 3300 loved it and the Land Star (Camo LS) suffered a loss in depth (???)....