Gulf Hunter
Active member
Well I was so jazzed over Max and Steve in PR's loot that I thought maybe my luck would change. Arose ar 445am for my spin to the lane. Entered the water on the east end of the island at 6am. Air temp was hovering around the low 40s and water temp was low 50s, so I wore the neoprene chest waders and my wetsuit top. Was working into a -0.4L at 1218pm. Had not even found the 1st coin until at least 9a. The hoop earring is ferrous. Total loot take was $1.47 and a nice piece of 12ga wire. Gold & silver loot was nowhere to be found. coastwise was indisposed, so I was solo. Even though the nut is lame here you go. Hard work does not always pay, but it was still good to be out. GH