Johnny Cache
New member
This morning I went back to my old faithful spot, but this time I went a little further than what I consider the hottest area. It paid off huge to say the least. After digging a bunch of shell casings and junk, I got a deep signal, bouncing from the 50's to the 70's. I cut my plug and was delighted to see a V nickel. I put the plug back in the hole and stepped on it, an then as I always do, I ran my coil over the plug before carrying on. I got a sweet signal. Hmm, ok re-dig the plug, scoop the loose dirt out, pro pointer said to dig down deeper. Two inches deeper this Barber dime laid patiently while my blade sliced the dirt around it, I sure am glad I didn't nick this one. I saw it was a nice Barber dime, my nicest one yet in fact. It's also my first one with a mint mark. I had to come home quickly and check it out.
My 2012 RedBook lists a 1903s Barber dime in EF-40 at $700!!!
Ok...bite to eat, back to detecting....
My 2012 RedBook lists a 1903s Barber dime in EF-40 at $700!!!
Ok...bite to eat, back to detecting....