Now to get rid of most of these your going to have to use long it does not blank after detection so you will hear high blank (null) high since the target is short normal doesn't always give all 3 responses on the target because of blanking. The 3 inch nail is for size reference I check these in normal and long normal said high long said high blank high but did call one as high not perfect but it has cut my shorts way down.
I set up like this start machine push center button go to your mode edit go to response where it says normal click right to go to long leave it here to check target when done click normal then detect when another target needs checking push center button and the screen will still have the response screen on it right click to long again so it's only 2 clicks to change from normal to long .
Blanking means loss of threshold here the reason I still use normal is because of dense junk long can get confusing because of continuing detection like all metal put it this way long is like all metal with audio disc it leaves ids one after another with out loss of threshold except when in the middle of a nail or iron . I also use fast in junk long makes the signals easier to hear . sube