I vividly remember a day we were served sausages for breakfast. We would get them once a week and we knew well enough that eating even one would mean a sick stomach for hours, but they sure tasted good. The D.I.'s knew this and PT was always extra tough after we had sausage on the menu. After breakfast we were marched back to the barracks to change for PT and fill up our canteens. Drinking Water was not an option it was a necessity and the D.I.'s weren't about to trust a bunch of dumb 18 year olds with the choice of how much water they thought their bodies should hold. We had to stand on line and drink 2 full canteens(2 pints) in 2-3 minutes and then hold them over our heads with the caps off. Well 2 guys out of 80 decided they had enough to drink and proceeded to hold their thumbs over the tops and trick the drill instructors, bad idea. The drill instructor smacked the canteens out of their hands and marched us all in to the head to fill them up again. We stood on line and had to drink down 2 more pints(now a gallon) in 2 minutes. Well you should have heard the stomachs gurgling after the first one. We then had a second one to go, gulp, gulp gulp, All of a sudden a recruit down the line on port side let loose spraying sausages all over the feet of the recruit on starboard side, about 10 ft. away. It was like dominos. Right down the line recruits were puking up all over. All I could think of was the movie Stand By Me and the pie eating contest. I almost started laughing as the whole thing was so crazy and hilarious at the same time, but I kept still as my stomach was doing circles. Yeah I have some fond memories of good old Parris Island.