Thanks to Richard at backwoods detectors, I got a 900.00 machine for 325 bucks yes it is used but in great shape and works as good as new , ive been disapointed for two years now whith the depth of all my preveous detectors i have owned an M-6 and a cibola and a silver umax and a compadre and a golden umax and non could penitrate that 6" barier so thru my research i found out that the lower the khz the better the signal can penitrate into the ground so i knew i needed something below 7khz then i also found out that a DD coil sill see less ground afect so i wanted a DD I knew this to be tru when i went from a concentric coil on my golden umax to a 7" DD sudenly my signals improved notebly i also was missing the ability to ground balance which was costing me depth my cibola was the deepest of the machines i listed but it fell short and had no all metal i was bared from any thing beond 6"and most of the time i was lucky to get 4" even the M-6 was a panzy for depth but great at TiD when i seen the musketeer i knew that was the detector for me well i tested it out for the 1st time tonite and was i blown out of the water i have clad dimes very accuratly measured in a test garden and my ground has black sand in it i can race a mabnet thru it and it loads up fast andy way ive got dimes at 1.5" -- 3"---- 4.5--'" 6" 7" 8" and dont you know whith the little 8" coil on this musketeer i hit that 8" dime whith a clear signal i was blown away ive never been able to do that and a dime is the smalest coin so any other coin would get better depth i did not try the 10" coil that also came whith the detector yet i was to exited and did not want to awake the china man wohhh I have found my soul mate finnaly Gunnar MN