Before the countdown revealed what little info we know....some folks were posting patent info and such they had dug up. It didn't dawn on me at the time but last night at work I started thinking about something I had heard earlier this year.
On January 16, 2012, there was a live internet radio broadcast of "Relic Roundup" that featured Whites Engineer, Carl Moreland. If you do a search you can find and listen to this broadcast in archive format.Carl Moreland Q&A Relic Roundup Now in this radio broadcast, there was a Q&A session discussing the future of Whites machines and such. He said something in it that I found very interesting. So what does this have to do with the CTX by Minelab.....Carl is engineer at Whites.....well it's what he said that lead to this outside the box thinking.
Carl was talking about the TDI pulse machine and the future of it. Basically they were trying to make the TDI better by making it able to tell iron from high conductive targets. In doing so...they basically found out the current chassis was a dead end for them and thus they started exploring other venues. One of them he talks about in this, was a hybrid wasn't pulse induction and it wasn't VLF. He says that people often associate Pulse Induction as being solely Time Domain....when in actuality, Pulse Induction is just a FORM or branch of Time Domain. He said they were exploring other areas of Time Domain, that weren't exactly Pulse and weren't VLF and were pretty excited about some new things they had discovered. He goes on to say that they were further behind than where they wanted to be with it, but thus far were extremely happy with what they had found.
So my thoughts are along this line: If Whites was looking into this's pretty reasonable to think that Minelab engineers were doing the same thing. I don't know how well guarded secrets are among the detector companies, but if its anything like the automotive industry....then the competitor lines usually know just as much about what the other companies are doing, as they do about their own stuff LOL. Who knows....maybe FBS-2 is part of the hybrid technology of the Time Domain area...neither pulse nor vlf... and having something to do with the odd name of this particular detector.
If THAT be the case...then that very well could be the future and unlike anything we've seen before. Imagine a detector totally unaffected by ground minerals of even the worse kind...and being able to ID things to a whole new level of accuracy. It might not go as deep as normal VLF machines in the benign ground...but where you would see the biggest impact would be sites with mineralization...and then being able to more accurately identify objects in the ground. What if it took on a totally different way of analyzing metal objects...and made it possible to accurately give separation between foil/aluminum and nickels and gold.....if done correctly...since we're speculating....what if it could do this 75+ percent of the able to tell the difference between foil, tabs, and nickels and gold. If hunting a very trashy area you could go in there and do like you can with the eTrac for silver coins.....just cherry pick them with stunning accuracy....what if this new technology could do it on that level, with gold and foil/tabs? You could still always go in and dig everything....but for those just wanting to cherry pick....if you only went in and dug 3 signals and all 3 of them were gold jewelry....well now you'd be getting some place to make you smile, right? Gold being above $1,500 an ounce and holding steady....going out every weekend and hitting a bunch of spots and digging only the signals that ID as gold....and every one of them be gold...imagine how many spots you could hit and you'd be on your way to paying for it quick.
Then you've got the benefit of waterproofing to 10 feet. So you can do some good chest deep wading with a scoop and spend less down time scooping up pennies and junk...and more time on what is gold and silver. Hmm.
I'm not saying this machine is this new technology....none of us know and wont know til a few more days. But it will give you something to think about. Go listen to Carl's session and listen to what Whites was exploring and then think to the Minelab patents. Could have been a race to see who got one out first. I guarantee two or three of the first people in line to buy one of these things, will be the engineers of the competitor companies
They'll have to see what makes it do what it does and then compare notes.
One thing I will's about the weight. Thus far it's just been rumors about what it weighs and such. All I've seen thus far is a picture and a ton of rumors/speculation. But another thing to throw in the mix that it's not so much as how much it weighs....but how balanced it is. Take the GPX machines for example. They outweigh most everything on the market....when you include the battery pack I guess they do outweigh everything currently on the market. Yet they are extremely balanced and I've hunted with mine for 12 hrs a day while only breaking to eat a quick sandwich lunch and then back at it again, for 3 consecutive days. The only time I wasn't swinging it was when I was digging targets. BALANCE is more important than overall weight. The eTrac and F75 are very close to one another in overall weight...but the balance is totally different and the F75 feels light as a feather. If this new Minelab IS actually 5 pounds like the rumors say....then it would all boil down to balance. If that's a big new generation lithium-polymer (LIPO) battery under the arm cuff....then I'm going to say the machine will probably be very well balanced like the GPX's are.
On January 16, 2012, there was a live internet radio broadcast of "Relic Roundup" that featured Whites Engineer, Carl Moreland. If you do a search you can find and listen to this broadcast in archive format.Carl Moreland Q&A Relic Roundup Now in this radio broadcast, there was a Q&A session discussing the future of Whites machines and such. He said something in it that I found very interesting. So what does this have to do with the CTX by Minelab.....Carl is engineer at Whites.....well it's what he said that lead to this outside the box thinking.
Carl was talking about the TDI pulse machine and the future of it. Basically they were trying to make the TDI better by making it able to tell iron from high conductive targets. In doing so...they basically found out the current chassis was a dead end for them and thus they started exploring other venues. One of them he talks about in this, was a hybrid wasn't pulse induction and it wasn't VLF. He says that people often associate Pulse Induction as being solely Time Domain....when in actuality, Pulse Induction is just a FORM or branch of Time Domain. He said they were exploring other areas of Time Domain, that weren't exactly Pulse and weren't VLF and were pretty excited about some new things they had discovered. He goes on to say that they were further behind than where they wanted to be with it, but thus far were extremely happy with what they had found.
So my thoughts are along this line: If Whites was looking into this's pretty reasonable to think that Minelab engineers were doing the same thing. I don't know how well guarded secrets are among the detector companies, but if its anything like the automotive industry....then the competitor lines usually know just as much about what the other companies are doing, as they do about their own stuff LOL. Who knows....maybe FBS-2 is part of the hybrid technology of the Time Domain area...neither pulse nor vlf... and having something to do with the odd name of this particular detector.
If THAT be the case...then that very well could be the future and unlike anything we've seen before. Imagine a detector totally unaffected by ground minerals of even the worse kind...and being able to ID things to a whole new level of accuracy. It might not go as deep as normal VLF machines in the benign ground...but where you would see the biggest impact would be sites with mineralization...and then being able to more accurately identify objects in the ground. What if it took on a totally different way of analyzing metal objects...and made it possible to accurately give separation between foil/aluminum and nickels and gold.....if done correctly...since we're speculating....what if it could do this 75+ percent of the able to tell the difference between foil, tabs, and nickels and gold. If hunting a very trashy area you could go in there and do like you can with the eTrac for silver coins.....just cherry pick them with stunning accuracy....what if this new technology could do it on that level, with gold and foil/tabs? You could still always go in and dig everything....but for those just wanting to cherry pick....if you only went in and dug 3 signals and all 3 of them were gold jewelry....well now you'd be getting some place to make you smile, right? Gold being above $1,500 an ounce and holding steady....going out every weekend and hitting a bunch of spots and digging only the signals that ID as gold....and every one of them be gold...imagine how many spots you could hit and you'd be on your way to paying for it quick.
Then you've got the benefit of waterproofing to 10 feet. So you can do some good chest deep wading with a scoop and spend less down time scooping up pennies and junk...and more time on what is gold and silver. Hmm.
I'm not saying this machine is this new technology....none of us know and wont know til a few more days. But it will give you something to think about. Go listen to Carl's session and listen to what Whites was exploring and then think to the Minelab patents. Could have been a race to see who got one out first. I guarantee two or three of the first people in line to buy one of these things, will be the engineers of the competitor companies
One thing I will's about the weight. Thus far it's just been rumors about what it weighs and such. All I've seen thus far is a picture and a ton of rumors/speculation. But another thing to throw in the mix that it's not so much as how much it weighs....but how balanced it is. Take the GPX machines for example. They outweigh most everything on the market....when you include the battery pack I guess they do outweigh everything currently on the market. Yet they are extremely balanced and I've hunted with mine for 12 hrs a day while only breaking to eat a quick sandwich lunch and then back at it again, for 3 consecutive days. The only time I wasn't swinging it was when I was digging targets. BALANCE is more important than overall weight. The eTrac and F75 are very close to one another in overall weight...but the balance is totally different and the F75 feels light as a feather. If this new Minelab IS actually 5 pounds like the rumors say....then it would all boil down to balance. If that's a big new generation lithium-polymer (LIPO) battery under the arm cuff....then I'm going to say the machine will probably be very well balanced like the GPX's are.