I just got mine back 12 days after they received it (that's good). It went in for the upgrade and a repair (unstable/falsing). When I went to connect the coil to the lower rod, I instantly noticed that the coil appeared different, as in much older and worn (hmmm...). I looked at the coil cover and it was very worn and scratched. This was definately not the coil that I had sent in. I contacted Garrett and some nice woman (don't recall her name) informed me that they had checked the unit out and had repaired the pinpoint (I never reported a pinpoint issue). I asked her if they had addressed my falsing/instability issue and she stated that they checked the unit and had provided preventive maintenance (so who knows). She had no information regarding my coil being switched, but informed me that they would send me a new one and that I was to return the one I received. Anyhow, the unit has a much better feel with the extended arm rest. We'll test it out this week and see how it goes.....