Gunnar of bradford MN
New member
I took the eclips 5.3 off and am trading it for a 4x6 DD but today i got my 6x10 and put it on and did some testing out in the drivway the coil is light weight and easy to swing as easey as the 5.3 good good i love the fact that it cover vast amounts of ground fast its like a big foot coil , its depth is on the wimpy side i put a nickle down at 4 " and was not geting a good tone I.D or vdi number really ify on the nickle ,whear as the 5.3 picks nickles out boldly and loud and clear ive found so many nickles its unbeleivable and deep down this 6x10 makes and ify sound pinpointing whith the 6x10 is a bit of work unlike the 5.3 which pinpoints right on well i will have to take it to the park and see how it does i allready miss the 5.3 but i will have to try it for a wile and i cant wait to try the 4x6 coil the stock coil is better at pinpointing and deeper will keep you all posted i hope to get out tomorrow