Well-known member
Man what a unit. I cannot believe how well made this thing is. I am very happy with just how it feels and how well built this thing is. It is everything I was looking for in a new machine. I have not used it hardly at all but I have already dug a quarter in an area of my yard that has been hit hard with some real "good" machines over the last 10 years. I was very surprised at how deep this thing hits too. It is simple, built like a tank and hits real good on targets deep. This thing was finding deep targets that all of the other units I tried in this spot would not make a peep on. I have not had a chance to really get out with it yet but am looking forward to it. I may go back to a few old sites of mine and see whats way down deep around there. I have noticed how a few people on this particular Nokta thread have made comments about the other manufactorers of metal detectors here in America, hoping they would be taking a few lessons from Nokta and listening to the users, hoping they would get on board with some of their ideas. Well here is what I think of some of those manufactorers of the units made here, who cares if they change some features or listen to us or not!! It is about time a company made something like this for their consumers in mind that will not break the bank. The others have had plenty of time to do it. I know some of you may take offense at what I just wrote even though I as well still like one of "those" American companies that are made here at home, although they too have never listened to us either. Who cares what your favorite other brand doesn't do or is not made like this Nokta I just received. Lets face it, Nokta is already putting all the bang for the buck into their units off of the shelf without features and menus that you need some well known big name guy in the hobby to write an over extended owners manual for, that cost $25.00, just to figure out how to tweak the ground balance and how the VDI numbers do not lock onto targets below 8 inches. Why do the other competitors need to take lessons from Nokta in the first place? If they got it right the first time then you would not be swinging a Nokta anyway, right? To me it looks like the manufactorer who designed this Fors CoRe was actually a metal detectorist instead of an airplane engineer who does not even use or care for our hobby. Way to go Nokta!!! You got it right in less than 20 years and some of these other guys have been aound for over 50 years and still have not figured it out yet!!!! I am already a fan!!! HH, Tim