Take a sip of Tesoro Kool Aid. It taste really good.

REVIER said:D&P-OR said:WOW----I thought all you guys was talking it up about how great the Compadre is---and now you would rather have a small coil for the Vaq than a Compadre??
I also own and hunt with both, a Vaq and the 5.75 coil AND a Compadre.
I could not even wrap my head around the thought of not owning and using both, and if you tried to take either one away from me I would be forced to hurt you bad with my sharpened up Lesche digger.
From the day I first swung my Compadre I have tried to get the point across to everyone that no matter what you swing or how many types and sizes of coils you have adding a Compadre to the arsenal is going to be one of the smartest thing you could ever do in this hobby.
Here are my reasons why I Have to own both and I hope this will help in your decision.
Vaquero and the 5.75" coil.
I do own a 7" coil Compadre and the sense is turned up to max internally and this is a surprisingly deep unit set up this way as is the 8" coil model that I borrowed and tried for a few weeks this summer.
However the Vaq and the sniper coil is a little deeper, just about as deep as the Vaq and my standard 9X8 and even my 10X12 DD coil which beats my Compadre depth by a bit more.
Not only that, but by using the Vaq you have the extra ability to manual GB, an asset even if you hunt in low mineralized soil, and also the option of going super deep hunting in all metal and using the threshold.
Extreme sensitivity.
Because of the throwback circuitry that the Compadre has on board, old style that is not the high gain-low noise type that most others use nowadays, the sensitivity is sometimes so amazing it is hard to believe.
I have only been hunting with my Vaq and sniper coil for about a month and I have not come across any teeny-tiny chains with it yet so I could not tell you how good this thing is with those, but I do suspect it is going to be pretty darn good on these target types...better even than when using the bigger coils.
On the other hand the Compadre I own has found me many chains including some so thin and small it is almost unbelievable that they can be picked up at all...and in air testing with other detectors and larger coils they can't.
I am hoping the Vaq and the sniper is Compadre good at doing this and I think it might be but until I find and dig a small chain up I don't know for sure.
The Compadre is proven in this area and finds me chains of all types, sizes, configurations and metals so easy and effortlessly it is like it is from another world.
Regarding the sensitivity, the Vaq is supposed to be 180 ED but in the real world it is not.
It is something more like 165 ED.
The Compadre on the other hand is a true 180 ED unit, I believe this one and the Tejon are the only 2 units that Tesoro makes that are.
In all metal both will certainly pick up, well...all metal, but the Vaq's compression in the range that it picks up is different than the Compadre and I think also is a big reason the Compadre is such a sensitive unit in both all metal and in disc and especially at a site with iron.
Check out Goes4ever's post here.
We all know how good he is with an E-Trac, and how many great things he can find, but the blazing speed of the Compadre, (like all of the Tesoros), PLUS its non-compressed iron area will still will still make it a bit better than the Vaq and its slightly compressed iron range I would think.
Discrimination ability
They are both great in this area, pretty much sharp as a razor and I am the type of hunter that thumbs that knob up and down big time to try to figure out the target before I dig.
Love the Vaq and its disc, I really do, but the Compadre is just a little bit sharper and better and a tiny bit more accurate in my opinion.
Some might not notice this tiny difference if they use both...but I do.
Almost like surgical precision when using the Compadre.
The Vaq is very close using the standard 9X8" and when the sniper coil is mounted, but there is still a slight difference.
Hunting next to big iron.
If there is one thing that I could zero in on that would be the best reason to use a Compadre it is this.
My Compadre is so hot that I can't get near a fence post, tot lot iron or bench legs without it going off at least a foot away.
I have seen videos about how close people can get to these things using all sorts of detectors and small coils and read about techniques that are used by many hunters with many detectors to do this, but I am of the opinion that nothing out there is as good or can get as close to or as deep to find targets next to these as the Compadre...nothing.
If you swing at just the right speed there will always be a double beep to let you know there is a target in the vicinity...even something virtually leaning on one of these iron objects.
My hyped up Compadre will do it, the 8" coil Compadre can do it and they will both do it very easily.
I have been trying like crazy to see if my Vaq and the sniper can do it to but no matter what I try, lowering the sensitivity, swinging at all different speeds, moving the coil toward these large iron objects from all angles I just can't get the Vaq to do this at all.
I will keep trying but the Compadre has the ability to do this as easily as it can pick up a shallow coin in the open...it is that good.
Most of my tot lots are hunted out in my area, they are usually so clean it is scary and I suspect there are hunters around here that comb these things well.
As good as they are I always can find plenty of targets next to the big iron in these super clean sites because evidently none of these guys use a Compadre to hunt them or even if they do they don't know about this double beep ability.
I once found a Canadian Loony that was 1/2" away from an 8 foot diameter piece of iron holding up a large tot lot structure and this coin was also about 4-5" deep.
Who knows how long this thing was laying there, who knows how many others missed it and never suspected it was even there, but it is not there anymore because my Compadre found it efficiently and easily.
I wonder how many great jewelry items like gold rings are laying right next to big iron like this out there.
Probably a lot, but unless someone comes by with a Compadre I believe they still are and will always be laying there...forever.
I have several detectors and not only do I love switching around and using them all I bought each one for specific reasons.
No golfer has just one club, no detector can do it all 100%.
These detectors and coils we use are tools and the more tools you have the more chance you have to find that next great thing if they are used correctly.
Buy the sniper coil for the Vaq and find something great with it, then cash it in and buy a Compadre.
Then and only then will you have the best of all worlds at your disposal.