Ron, while I've never tried a seeded hunt so I don't know for sure, I don't think it's my cup of tea. Just no big interest in it. To me it feels like fishing a stocked private pond. But, I won't criticize others who find it enjoyable. After all, I have gotten criticized on this forum many times for doing air testing. Sure, not the same as actual undug targets, but just the same I find it very enjoyable and my "thing", and I do find that there are things you can gleam from controlled tests what targets in a hole might not be able to tell you if you don't be very careful when digging to see exactly their orientation (being on edge, etc) and if any masking targets were nearby.
Whatever floats your boat is my motto. Some guys enjoy just clad hunting and reap the rewards of banking those clads for buying old silvers at the store or paying for new equipment. Sure, I still clad hunt here and there, but I enjoy old coin or ring hunting more than anything else. So why should I criticize others for doing what they like to do, when some seem to feel the need to criticize me for my "thing" being testing controls, settings, coils, or machines against each other in certain ways? I don't want others doing it to me, so I won't do it to others.
I can relate to the air or other testing being felt "worthless" to some for one big reason. When I see guys who get all involved in fantasy football teams I don't see the point myself when you can watch the real game and to me (IMO) that's much more interesting and "real" then playing fake teams against each other. So I can understand why others might feel my "thing" is pointless, but I just say to each their own...
That old 1235 Fisher is a legend. Many guys remarked about it's depth and ability to unmask coins in junk for years. Or, at least I think that's the model, as I never followed the earlier Fisher models all that close.