Here's where my wife and I went to. A federal park in the mountains called Jasper. It's about a 3 1/2 hour drive from home. No metal detecting allowed.
We stayed in our one bedroom ponderosa.......
Lots oh hiking. There was snow up on the higher peaks. Lots of various types of wildflowers around. Another month and snow will probably cover everything.
Just playing with my macro lens.... photographed some lichen growing in a pine tree.
A majestic elk trying to keep his heard of females (not shown) together.....
A black bear headed out on a a canyon road. First bear I had seen in about 20 years.
A curious squirrel.....stayed in the tree about 4 feet away and was mesmerized with the camera. Stared for about 2 minutes, before he took off.
And......below is my one good find. At a lake, near a pic-nic bench, on the ground was this nice leather necklace with a bear's paw.