Yes, I bought it used. I`m the second owner, it was purchased in Feb. of this year so I wondered if the warranty would be transferrable. I have found a set of the original headphones for $30 so I`m going to get them. He didn`t have the owners manual but thought he might be able to find it. I went to the Garrett site and downloaded it. I have also watched a few videos on it and it seems like a very good machine. I played with it and how you can put a coin with a nail and it will give you a good sound on the coin is awesome...I couldn`t hardly believe it but I tried it and it really worked. Going to try it out this week and see how it does. I have a 705 with a digger coil on it now, so I`ll take them both out and see what happens. On one video I watched a guy comparing it with the e-trac on iffy signals. Well all I could say after watching it was, for twice the money I would have expected the e-trac to be a lot better and I wasn`t 100% sure he had the AT Pro set up right either. He had the iron disc set at 40 and in the Garrett video he said to not set it any higher than you needed to..? I really don`t know much about either one but I thought the AT Pro held it`s own against what is considered to be one of the best out there. Something else in the video was all of his iffy signals ended up being coins...that seemed a little suspicious to me. Digging iffy signals is what I`ve been advised to do quite often on here and I certainly haven`t always come up with Thanks for the advise.