I'll bet the XLT IS deeper than the Silver uMax in most ground and circumstances, Pulltab.
Different machines though. It's over twice the price! I'll also bet it won't get twice the depth, in ANY conditions...
"So once I pinpoint, I just keep digging tell I find something." Sure. Why not? It IS down there...
We got a 90% chance any target, anywhere, is less than 6" deep.
Another 5% will get you to 10" deep.
I'll go way out on a limb and guess only 5% of all targets dug everywhere, are greater than 10" deep.
The Tesoro expressive mono tone also varies greatly in distinguishable volume.
It's easy to tell if it's a surface target with a sharp resounding tone, or a whisper from the deepest of targets.
As with most detectors, you can lift the coil to determine an approximate depth. I don't think you'll miss XLT features too much.
I'd like to get an XLT one day. Heard nothing but good things about them.
I'm building up to it... Got a Coinmaster 3000d today. Gosh I hope it doesn't require a whippy swing!