Lets explore the age and demographic of "droppers"...All in all, the ones that drop the most clad are kids, middle school to high school, so if a guy is a clad hunter, thats where you hunt, where the kids are...
Once a Kid gets into Junior Senior year high school, thats when they lose their class rings, silver rings, etc...once they are in their higher teens, 20's, 30's is when they really lose their GOLD!
I read the lost and found of craigslist to pick up some info on the drop patterns of people and try to make a study of where to hunt..most lost rings posted are lost in parking lots and bathrooms.
Lets say our primary target market for dropped gold is women in the ages of 18-40, most of their gear is small gold with the occasional big honker, so a fellow can sort of think of a location where they might be inclined to travel and drop. now if a fellow wants to hunt for mens big gold, thats a whole nother matter...and some of the postings here of where big gold chains etc are found makes perfect sense.
It really is astounding anybody finds wild lost rings at all, out of 1000 random women, how many wear gold, and how many of them ever lose it out in the areas where we hunt? Out of 1000 random men, how many of them wear a big chain and can be sort of tracked to hunt where they would hang out and lose it? This is a fun part of the sport, trying to read an area and figure out where a potential gold dropper would travel in it...looks like the Jersey Shore is full of big gold chain wearing drunken young men, the perfect recipe for losing gold! Thats why water hunting is a profitable endeavor, a guy can figure out swimming holes and jump zones and shallow flats where rough housing takes place, and the other metal signs we find in those spots tell us if this is gonna be a good one pretty fast. Sure, those random drops of gold in unlikely places make this sport one of those things you cant quite totally figure out.